Small Bedroom Designs

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Small Bedroom Decorating Ideas and Tips

Is your bedroom making you feel claustrophobic but you don't have the money for a home addition? Well, with a little paint, rearranging of furniture and a few tips, you can fool the eyes into thinking that the space is larger than it really is.

Furniture & Clutter

Remove unnecessary pieces of furniture and clutter. Furniture that serve many functions is a great way to save space and minimize clutter. Storage containers are a great substitute for small pieces of furniture. The containers can be purchased with or without wheels and kept hidden under the bed or in the closet. The idea is to keep the necessary large pieces of furniture in the room and remove the smaller ones. For example, one large dresser instead of two smaller dressers.

Not only will large pieces of furniture look more stylish, but they can actually add a feeling of openness to the room. Smaller pieces will just make the room feel more cramped. However, if your queen size bed is taking up too much space in the room, then maybe it is time to switch to a full size bed. If you are unwilling to give up on your queen size bed then it is a good idea to cut back on other pieces as well and turn your bed into the main focal point in the room. The more open floor space you have, the larger the room will appear. Remember to place furniture at an angle. When you place your furniture at an angle, it leads the eye along the longer distance, rather than the shorter wall.


Stick to pale colors when it comes to the walls. Light greens and blues are always best choice. Not only do these two colors have a calming effect, but light also reflects to pale colors, making the room feel more spacious. Dark colors, however, will make a room seem more closed in, which we definitely don't want to happen. Painting the ceiling a shade lighter or completely white will create the illusion of a higher ceiling. Another good trick is painting the wall trims and moldings in a lighter color than the walls. This will make the wall appear further back.


Lighting is a must when it comes to a small room. The perfect amount of light will open up the room and create an illusion of space. Natural light is the best and inexpensive lighting there is. Start by removing heavy drapes and replacing them with light and flowy window treatments. If too much natural light is a problem for sleep, use mini blinds to block out the light while you catch some Zs. In the morning you can simply roll up the mini blinds and let the natural light flow right it. Swag curtains are also a great choice when it comes to window treatments for small rooms. They are very stylish, affordable and look great with mini blinds.


Mirrors are not only stylish but they can also help reflect light and give the illusion of depth to a wall. Position mirrors in front of a light source, such as open windows and doors. Closet mirrored doors are a great choice.


Stay away from dark colors and stick with a light-colored duvet cover, but make sure to keep it simple. When working with cool colors like greens and blues, choose a floral print for a more naturish feel. But do not over do it with the floral. A simple duvet cover set with one or two large floral prints on a light backdrop will do. Keep away from the scattered looked.

Bedroom Designs Photos

Interior Design

New Bedroom Furniture Design Ideas

Bedroom Design Ideas - Create Your Own Private Sanctuary

A bedroom is one's most personal and private sanctuary, and the bedroom design ideas need to be conceptualized keeping this in mind. Everyone's needs are different yet a balance has to be maintained between practicality and utility.

Budget: While doing up the bedroom, its very important to first decide the budget. Once this is decided, the bedroom design ideas could be made to fall into place.

Furniture: If buying new furniture, remember to look for utility before anything else. The furniture has to be arranged in such a manner to allow easy accessibility while also allowing for adequate walking space. A children's bedroom needs more open space to allow the children to play and move around freely.

Ventilation: Thought has to be given to getting proper ventilation and sunlight. Allowing direct sunlight and ventilation into the bedroom can make even a small bedroom look spacious and welcoming. While arranging the furniture, make sure the windows are not blocked.

Lights: The setting of the bedroom is decided by the arrangement of lights in the room. The switches for the lights are to be placed where they can be reached easily.

A personal corner can be made by the window by placing a comfortable chair and side table for reading. This would allow the use of sunlight during daytime. A book case or a magazine rack can be added.

Storage: All bedroom design ideas have to cater for adequate storage space. Cupboards should be designed keeping in mind the variety of items which are going to be stored there - dresses, shoes, jewelry, hats. Depending on the size of the bedroom, the cupboards could be large walk-ins or have to be incorporated into the space available.

Spaces under the cots could be used to create storage areas or shoe racks. Cupboards could have more shelves or drawers, depending on the requirements. The bedroom could have ceiling to floor cupboards on one wall to optimize use of the other walls.

A bedroom is not just a room to sleep in. It speaks volumes about its occupant by the way it is done up. Bedroom design ideas need to combine many requirements within set limits like budget and space. It's challenging but most satisfying to have ones own personal sanctuary.